Sunday, July 19, 2009

LALITHA - The Name

Hello All!

Firstly, Sorry for my sudden hibernation. Work at office had kept me slightly busy. Secondly, Thanks to all those who have begun following my blog and those who have written personal emails to me appreciating the effort. I am delighted that I now have quite a few friends on my Orkut network as well. All because of this blog. I have vowed to continue with my posts and be more active henceforth.

Now, coming to the subject: Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam! My previous post was about the design aspect of the Hymn and today I will be commenting on the aspects of Her - Sri Lalitha.

The Name Lalitha means "The One Who Plays". Now that in literal sense means that She is the Sutra-dharini of the stage, which is the visible and tangible Universe and that she oversees the drama of the illusionary world. But when scientifically and esoterically analyzed, it renders a deeper and more fascinating meaning.

For those who are inclined towards etymology and linguistics, The Sanskrit name "Lalitha" is heavily borrowed into Latin and therefore the name "Lolita" and the Spanish further derived it as "Lola" - Both meaning a sexually precocious young girl.

Please bear in mind that western philosophical thought has always reduce meanings of words of Indic languages (especially Sanskrit) to their literal senses and dictionary meanings and very few have attempted to decipher the esoteric aspects.

When we say, "The One Who Plays"; What does She play with? Or with whom? or Why does she play? The answers lies in the Origin of the universe. In the Bramhanda Puranam, it is described that She is herself the Divine Will - The Iccha Shakti. And as in the treatise of the Lalitha Sahasranama - Subhagodaya of Sri Bhaskararaya Makhin - She wills herself to create, preserve, destroy, annihilate and absorb everything and She remains as the eternal truth.

The acts of Creation, Preservation, Destruction, Annihilation and Absorption are the Pancha Kriya or the 5 great acts of Sri Devi - As in the Lalitha Sahasranamam "Pan.cha Krtya ParaayaNaa"

Now if we look at the Big Bang Theory, It states that 13 Billion years ago, the entire universe was the size of a million times smaller than the atom - the ParamaaNu (Parama-aNu) with infinite density or at least immeasurable density and therefore infinite or immeasurable mass. The theory goes that this singularity exploded to what it became the currently visible, tangible and imaginable universe.

The process still continues and will continue for several billion years in the future. AND, at one point in time, the expansion will cease and will contract back, devouring up all that is there and will be there, and return to its original state of Unity or Singularity or Universality - A single entity called the ParamaaNu. And yet again, the process will start and the universe will expand and again contract back. The process in itself is never ending and the only thing that is constant is this process of continuous change. (This is the essence of the name: Aneka-Koti-BrahmaanDa Janani. We will look at this particular name as we traverse through the 1000 names)

As we can see the ParamaaNu, although, inanimate in literal sense had the sense to Will. The Will to Create. The Will to Expand, Contract, Absorb and become Singular again.

Since it is generally accepted that that the Feminine is responsible for all of creation - Humans, Animals, Insects, Birds, Aquatic creatures, Fauna and so on; So it is only logical that we conclude that the creation of universe is also because of a feminine force. A force so great that it created what is known as our universe.

Therefore, the name Lalitha - Lolita - Lola means "One who plays with Creation, Preservation, Destruction, Annihilation, Absorption and Recreation". The 'Sexual' term is to actually mean "Reproduce" or not the Literal meaning as what people tend to take it to be.

Thanks again for reading. I shall begin with the Lalitha Sahasranamam in my next post.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lalitha Sahasranamam - Introduction

Hello all and Thank You for visiting the Blog. This blog has been created to explain the esoteric, mystic and hidden meanings of several stotras, mainly the Lalita Sahasranama, Trishati and Saundarya Lahari.

All the above contain lot of encoded beejaaksharas and many words contain anagrams. Every word vibrates at a particular frequency and generates Electromagnetic energy or at least, it believed to be so.

I will be posting as per my limited understanding and I hope people who visit and read the posts will be benifited. Please let us limit ourselves only to the quest of knowledge and not indulge in vain arguments as I believe they will only pull me/us away from the actual goal. Questions, however are welcome and I will try my best to answer them. As "To Err is Human", Corrections, if found, are welcome too. Thank you once again.

As a start, I shall begin by posting and commenting on the aspects of Sri Lalitha Sahasranama that is not known to many.

The Lalitha Sahasranamam is a grand design. Mathematically and Physically. Only 32 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet are used and the rest 19 are left out.

I believe that a lot of deliberation has gone into the design and creation of the Hymn and it is believed that these left-out 19 letters generate energies that are not compatible with the human system, both neurologically and ethereally. We cannot necessarily say they are negative energies and should probably limit ourselves to the assumption that they are incompatible and not suitable for all of mankind. Maybe we can say Dark Energy instead of Negative. As it is only the Initiated students of Sri Vidya who are taught how to deal with these forces (which are otherwise difficult), the Sahasranaamam deals only in those Energy (Naada) frequencies that are common-man-compatible.

It is also true that Devi manifests herself in all 51 core forms (51 alphabets) from Amruthaakarshni to Kshamaavathi ('अ' to 'क्ष'). But the objective of the Sahasranaamam is to produce only positive, White energy.

A regular worshipper of Sri Lalitha is usually calm, composed, intelligent, wise and disease free. There is a gradual decrease in the 6 enemies of man (Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsara) and of course the usual increase in prosperity.

Each naamam vibrates at a particular frequency and generates energy at a particular wavelength. So in effect, each naamam and therefore, each form of Sri Lalitha is Energy at various frequencies. Just like Radioactivity, the emited energy and its benefits are immense (Not to mention, Dangerous too, for selfish gains results in gory ends).

Of course, Sri Lalitha should be chanted without the "benefits" in mind but all the same, they do exist.

To continue...

Ramachandran Iyer

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

श्रीमात्रे नमः