Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lalitha Sahasranamam - Introduction

Hello all and Thank You for visiting the Blog. This blog has been created to explain the esoteric, mystic and hidden meanings of several stotras, mainly the Lalita Sahasranama, Trishati and Saundarya Lahari.

All the above contain lot of encoded beejaaksharas and many words contain anagrams. Every word vibrates at a particular frequency and generates Electromagnetic energy or at least, it believed to be so.

I will be posting as per my limited understanding and I hope people who visit and read the posts will be benifited. Please let us limit ourselves only to the quest of knowledge and not indulge in vain arguments as I believe they will only pull me/us away from the actual goal. Questions, however are welcome and I will try my best to answer them. As "To Err is Human", Corrections, if found, are welcome too. Thank you once again.

As a start, I shall begin by posting and commenting on the aspects of Sri Lalitha Sahasranama that is not known to many.

The Lalitha Sahasranamam is a grand design. Mathematically and Physically. Only 32 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet are used and the rest 19 are left out.

I believe that a lot of deliberation has gone into the design and creation of the Hymn and it is believed that these left-out 19 letters generate energies that are not compatible with the human system, both neurologically and ethereally. We cannot necessarily say they are negative energies and should probably limit ourselves to the assumption that they are incompatible and not suitable for all of mankind. Maybe we can say Dark Energy instead of Negative. As it is only the Initiated students of Sri Vidya who are taught how to deal with these forces (which are otherwise difficult), the Sahasranaamam deals only in those Energy (Naada) frequencies that are common-man-compatible.

It is also true that Devi manifests herself in all 51 core forms (51 alphabets) from Amruthaakarshni to Kshamaavathi ('अ' to 'क्ष'). But the objective of the Sahasranaamam is to produce only positive, White energy.

A regular worshipper of Sri Lalitha is usually calm, composed, intelligent, wise and disease free. There is a gradual decrease in the 6 enemies of man (Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsara) and of course the usual increase in prosperity.

Each naamam vibrates at a particular frequency and generates energy at a particular wavelength. So in effect, each naamam and therefore, each form of Sri Lalitha is Energy at various frequencies. Just like Radioactivity, the emited energy and its benefits are immense (Not to mention, Dangerous too, for selfish gains results in gory ends).

Of course, Sri Lalitha should be chanted without the "benefits" in mind but all the same, they do exist.

To continue...

Ramachandran Iyer


  1. Wonderful article, i did not know about the 32 letters vibration part.
    Can you please provide some more insights on this please like where this was referenced, and also greatful if tht wuld be available in english :)

  2. @ Mysteryrevealed..

    Hello. Thanks for the comments. Sri Bhaskara Raya Makhin, THE authority on Sri Vidya in his Subhagodaya, has described the design of the Hymn in great detail. Although, I am not sure if an english version is available. It's a treasure that every sadhaka should possess.

    Thanks again.


  3. Thats really an interesting debut dear Sadhaka... Keep them coming...

  4. Thanks Satya. Your comments, feedback are welcome.

  5. Dear friend,
    I am Prasanth, I would like know more & more about sree Lalithambika maha tripura sundari.
    Is SreeLalithabmika is another form of sreeparvathi or composit power of siva and parvathi (sakthi)?
    Is Dashmahavidyas are different forms of devi sreeparvath ?
    Please send me maximum details to my mailid :-

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
